Divided Art
Artist guidelines
Divided Art Ideas and considerations
Thank you so much for your interest and participation. We aim to include community in everything we can as a store, business and fundraiser in the Mat-Su Valley. Divided Art allows us to involve local artists and promote your work, name and passion as well as repurposing used building materials!
Things to consider:
Any medium is welcomed and encouraged.
The project:
You take a bi-fold door (or 2) home to turn into a "room divider" or freestanding piece of art. The finished piece gets returned to MVR by 2/17 and we display and auction it at our fundraiser February 21-24. MVR keeps the proceeds and offers artist promotion in-store, online and through social media before, during and after the event. We will share previous work, links and websites to get your name and brand out.
You can take up to four “panels” or two bi-fold doors. They can be combined, separated or become singles and may be arranged in any fashion. That might mean one single and a triple, two doubles, one quad panel…etc. They need to be able to stand on their own; the bi-fold action that allows them to balance on their own counts. They also can be fixed so they no longer fold. If you prefer or your design requires feet or a base for the door to stand, that is okay too, but you need to create the base. Ideally they are somewhat mobile as room dividers or screens but some people might just want to hang them on the wall. Want to incorporate wheels? That’s cool.
The pins on top and bottom and knobs will be removed at the store when you pick up your doors unless you want them left in place. Extra hinges will be available while supply lasts.
Some doors might need holes filled, some sanding and maybe priming before they are to be painted. As they are hollow core doors the best method to filling holes is ______?
(Please leave at least one outer hole on top of one door unfilled as we will utilize that to hang our artist/piece information-you don’t have to fill any of the holes on top/bottom if you don’t want to.)
We only ask that you design one side but if you want to do both that is great. We know you are busy and donating your time and materials so no pressure. Consider at least making the back presentable, as well as the exterior and interior sides especially with the fold in the middle.
Please feel free to let loose. This is your piece. If you want to get weird, try something that might fall outside of what is above, that is cool. Feel free to inquire or run ideas past us.
What we need from you as soon as possible:
An artist biography
This will be shared, in the store, online and wherever we can. It can be as much as or little as you wish. Ideas: What/who first got you into art, your early art history, education, inspirations, favorite mediums, goals…etc. It will be displayed with the piece and shared online and in store.
Social media, website, yours or a group to which you belong that supports and promotes art. This will get promoted with your biography in the weeks up to, during and after the event. We will generate QR codes to be used by viewers. They will be displayed with the piece and shared online and in store.
Examples of your work
3-6 examples of your work to give people an idea and get them excited for what you do and what you might do with your door. These will be shared online before the exhibition.
Submitted with your piece
A door blurb
A short piece about this project; your inspiration, thoughts, struggles and feelings along the way working on this piece. Be as real as you are comfortable being. It will be displayed with the piece.
Other bits
We will do everything we can to promote you, your work and the event, please help us out. We want people to see the great talent in their community, shop local art, be inspired by it and to appreciate the value of repurposing used materials. Share as much as you can, if you have ideas or places for us to share and utilize, please let us know.
Pick up doors: ASAP- Wednesday-Friday 10-5pm / Saturday 12-5pm
Finished pieces due to MVR by 2/17
Exhibition and silent auction: 2/21-2/24* Auction ends
Thank you for your interest and for taking part to help MVR and support our cause. We are proud to partner with local artists, to help bring people together and strengthen our community in our fundraising efforts.
Email us: valleyrebuild@gmail.com
Matsu Valley Rebuild